Posts Tagged ‘plant extracts’

Dark & Stormy

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

New to the Natural Dye Collection – Dark & Stormy. Inspired by the drink (rum and ginger beer – yum!) not Hurricane Sandy, which has left us with grey skies and rain for the next few days. As with the rest of the Natural Dye Collection, the fabrics are hand dyed in a multi-step process using plant extracts and minerals, so shades and patterns vary with each item. Check out the Dark & Stormy line at The Made & Found Shop.

Pictured above are the Dark & Stormy Travel Kit, Travel Case, and Makeup Brush Roll.


Natural vs. Super Natural

Friday, April 15th, 2011


So I was pretty excited to pull these pieces out of the dye pot the other day.  With a bit of playing around I’m getting more depth with this kind of grey marbling effect.  The pinks and purples are pretty, but I’m really liking the hint of darkness and extra dimension in these yellow pieces.

The last photo is a piece I dyed last summer.  I was at the farm picking random plants and pretty much anything I could get my hands on so it was kind of haphazard.  I don’t remember what plants I used and I don’t even know the names of most of the plants out there.  I’m going to have to keep better records this year.  Dyeing with plants is much more involved, but the results are a lot less predictable.